Tui-Na Massage
Tui-Na is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine based on the same system of diagnosis and treatment. It then uses the same system of meridians and acupuncture points using them to restore the correct circulation of Qi (Energy) and Xue (Blood).
Therefore, Tui-Na will always take into account the unique energetic dynamics of each person, not having a defined protocol for each pathology, but a therapeutic adaptation according to the imbalances that the patient presents.
The purpose of Tui-Na is to unlock, revitalize and harmonize energy circuits in order to preserve health or even to treat or improve certain energy disorders in the patient. After the realignment of the body's energetics, the healing process can take place.
On a more mechanical level, the Tui Na Massage acts on muscular, ligament, circulatory and nervous system structures, benefits the skin tissues and will also benefit the bone system.
It can also be combined with other Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques allowing a considerable improvement in therapeutic results. It is often used in conjunction with acupuncture as we are working on the same energetic terrain as the patient.