Qi Gong
Qi Gong is an ancient method designed to strengthen the body and mind. It is composed of dynamic exercises based on stretches, undulations and twists that aim to unlock and strengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and to boost circulation and static postures for training visualization and concentration.
At the base of the execution of these exercises and postures, is breathing and concentration, getting the mind used to raising the level of attention and presence, allowing the brain greater plasticity.
in performing daily tasks and increasing resistance to the stress and pressure of modern life.
Therapeutic Qi Gong is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and is practiced in hospitals in China alongside Acupuncture, TuiNa and Phytotherapy as a method of restoring energy to the patient.
Qi Gong develops in the body a deep relaxation and an opening so that energy can circulate freely, dissolving tensions and blockages, creating elasticity and smoothness at the level of physical and mental structures.
The regular practice of Qi Gong strengthens vitality, improves emotional intelligence, fortifies the mind, reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, has a preventive effect against diseases, develops sensitivity, increases healing power and brings luminosity to the body and the mind.
Qi Gong is an easy but very effective method of execution that can be practiced by people of all ages from eight to eighty.