Bowen technique
What does Bowen Therapy consist of?
-It is a technique of rebalancing the nervous system that uses gentle movements in the tendons, muscles or nerves in precise places in the body, sending nerve impulses to the brain that stimulate the correction of certain pathologies. Any affected area of the body will reflect poor communication between it and the brain. Bowen's movements restore good communication between the brain and the affected area, modifying the quality and computer content between them, making it possible to improve or cure the pathology. Therefore, correctly applying the Bowen technique is to re-establish contact, correct information patterns and lead to the re-establishment of normality. Bowen's therapist learned where to anatomically apply the movement depending on each pathology. This movement should be smooth, slow and in rhythm with the breath, without causing any pain. When there is pain, the impulse that is sent to the brain will not be appropriate and evidently the response of the brain will not be the most appropriate.
Who is the Bowen Technique for?
-The Bowen technique is suitable for all ages from babies to the elderly.
What specific problems does the Bowen technique address?
-The Bowen technique specifically treats the spine: lumbar, dorsal and cervical, musculoskeletal problems, shoulders, arms, elbows, epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee problems, ankle problems, foot problems including bunions, problems in the pelvic and sacrum area, digestive and respiratory problems: sinusitis, allergies, stress problems, anxiety and depression, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, injuries from accidents or sports, chest tension, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches: migraine, headache.
How many treatments are needed?
-Of course it depends on the situation but in most situations between 3 to 5 sessions there are obvious improvements. The treatment takes about 1 hour.
JM Mendes Silva
Graduated by Bowen Therapy of Australia.
J. _ M. Mendes Silva is a member of the Portuguese Association of Bowen Therapy and a graduate of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia.