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Padma Center

Health and wellness

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Chinese Medicine


Energy Balance

Acupuncture is a healing technique, based on the principle of free and uninterrupted flow of Energy (Qi).

Acupuncture can be defined as an ancient science-art of regulating the body's energy.

It helps to activate the natural healing process of the patient's body and restores their physical, emotional and mental well-being.

An Ancestral Science

Traditional Chinese Medicine is today, without a doubt, one of the oldest medicines. It has had a continuous existence as a coherent medical system for about 3000 years.

TCM is a complete medical system.

It has been practiced for a long time and in the largest and most populous country in the world. No other country has been able to experience its medical system so long and in such a large population.

Chinese Therapeutic Massage

Tui-Na is a therapeutic massage that is an integral part of Chinese Medicine with the objective of unblocking, revitalizing and harmonizing the body's energy circuits in order to optimize and help restore the body's natural healing process. Tui-Na is not a relaxation massage, however it has a similar effect in the medium and long term.

Bowen Technique


Qi Gong

Rebalancing the nervous system

"Similia similibus curantur"

Chinese Health and Longevity Gymnastics

With Bowen's therapy, muscle and tendon structures are approached with smooth movements, to reestablish the means of communication between the affected structures and the brain. The Bowen therapist learned where to apply the movement anatomically depending on each pathology.

"The like must be healed by the like". This sentence illustrates well the bases of homeopathy. The Homeopath studies the connection between poisonous substances and their symptoms in the body. Only in this way, when observing the patient, can he suggest a certain substance to reverse the pathological process.

Qi Gong is an ancient method designed to strengthen the body and mind. Qi Gong develops a deep relaxation and opening in the body so that energy can circulate freely. The basis of Qi Gong exercises and postures is always breathing and concentration.


Padma Center

Acupuncture old book
Acupuncture Traditional Chinese herbal medicine
Acupuncture close up
Woman Receiving Acupuncture


- Lotus flower

"Padma" is a Tibetan word, which means Lotus. This aquatic plant suggests a receptacle where something precious can take shape, grow and flourish in a dynamic of constant transformation.
If we look at the root of the lotus, it plunges into the rotting mud of the lake and it is through its ability to integrate the resulting nutritional elements, it grows and becomes a flower of beautiful proportions that will only blossom after having risen above the surface of the water.

Through the application of the various techniques we have learned, we have honed and specialized over twenty-five years by attaching other therapies that have been integrated as adjuvants to a coherent therapeutic body to help patients with the various disorders that bring them to us.
We are also concerned, as far as possible, to make patients understand the causes of the pathologies they present in order to work in the future in prevention and to be active agents in the responsible construction of their health. In this perspective, we teach the correct way of eating adapted to each case and propose exercises or techniques that we have available such as Qi Gong, meditation as the basis of a healthy mind in a healthy body. So we have a holistic concern.

We then chose the word “Padma” to metaphorically suggest what moves us in therapeutic work day after day: making the lotus that exists in each one unfold in us and in patients.

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